TEMPTATION HAS HAD A MAKEOVER AND IS NOW .99c on Amazon (2 days only)

I have some very exciting news to share with you all, the thing is my news is not quite ready. My news needs basting for just a teeny tiny bit longer before it is good enough to serve to you.
In the meantime—while it sits perfecting for its’ imminent delivery—I can share that a new version of Temptation has just gone LIVE on Amazon and Smashwords. This new version is fatter, juicer, and contains a never been seen before prologue. In fact, this version is nearly 15k words longer.
So, why have I done this you may ask? Well, that’s part of my basting news which is not quite ready, but also because I wanted Temptation to read more like the other three books in the series. You see, my writing progressed quite a bit from when I first wrote Temptation until the moment I wrote THE END in Attainment.  And I felt that Temptation needed a little more depth and flow, which now it does…IMO. ☺

But before you all curse me, saying ‘Well, how do I get my new version?’ and ‘Do I have to buy it again?’, rest assured and know that you don’t. To read the new version (with prologue), you DO NOT need to purchase Temptation again. Just re-download it from the store you bought it from. However, for those with Kindles, you will have to wait until Amazon email you with the update notification. Also, the new version has not yet been submitted to iBooks, Kobo and B & N.  It is currently pending review with Smashwords before they distribute it to those stores on my behalf. I will post a notification when that has happened. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

So, if you chose to read the new version, I hope you like it. I hope you like it better than the first. As for my exciting news that is still basting nicely? Watch This Space!